The Problem with NPCs in D&D
In a world filled with magic, monsters, and amazing treasures it is sometimes hard to imagine what the life of the common person is like. And when we create an NPC for the PCs to interact with, we sometimes make the NPC a character class: fighter, rogue, mage, or cleric. Yet, if every village has a 4th level Cleric, everyone gets healed all the time for a tithe to the church. If all guards are 1st level fighters, why don’t they level up? Is every person who plays a lute and sings a bawdy song about the tinker and the farmer’s son a bard? That is a lot of random power just walking about in the world. What if there was a way of having characters with some abilities that scale with experience, but doesn’t make every frontier road a haven of 10th level rogues trying to steal apples on the way to the cidery?
Here are 8 classes to assign to your NPCs to make your campaign world a bit more interesting.
Included is an alternate NPC creation system, using 2d6+4 for the attributes. Now there can be a Level 3 Cook or a Level 5 Minstrel who have different skills and improved hit points. Like PCs, as an NPC adds a level, the NPC can add points to its attributes, but are maxed out at 18 instead of 20.
Whether crafting the jewelry for the rich nobles, the saddles for the cavalry, the glassware for the alchemist, or any other nifty bit and bauble, Artisans are specialized craftsmen creating works of art and functional devices.
Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: perception, insight, performance
Languages: Common, +1
Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: Glassblower’s Tools, Jeweler’s Tools, Leatherworker’s Tools, Painter’s Supplies, Potter’s Tools, Weaver’s Tools, Woodcarver’s Tools
Level | Feature |
1 | |
2 | Masterwork |
3 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
4 | Passionate Production |
5 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
All items crafted improves price of item by 25%.
Passionate Production
Once per long rest, up to 8 hours of work is doubled to up to 16 hours.
Food and drink makes life worth living. A good cook can transform common food into an amazing meal. An amazing meal can be a revitalizing experience. Cook is a general category that includes anyone who processes food so it can be consumed – which includes those who brew beer and cider, distill spirits, or make wine and mead.
Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: nature, animal handling, Insight
Languages: Common, +1
Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: Cooking tools, Brewers tools
Level | Feature |
1 | |
2 | Stone Soup |
3 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
4 | Feast |
5 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
Stone Soup
Once per short rest create a meal for up to 4 that removes 1 point of exhaustion.
Once per Long Rest – A feast that feeds 6, for 8 hours all who partake gain 1d6 Temporary hit points, has fear effects removed, gain advantage on constitution saving throws
An advisor to the king or a village elder, Counselors are the wise men and women who form the privvy councils and dark room dealmakers.
Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: investigation, insight, persuasion
Languages: Common, +3
Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: caligripher’s tools
Level | Feature |
1 | |
2 | Influential |
3 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
4 | Insightful |
5 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
Once per short rest gain advantage on a Persuasion attempt.
Once per short rest gain Advantage on an Insight attempt.
The people who head off into far flung frontiers to map new territory, or the people who delve into ancient ruins to discover lost treasures are explorers.
Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: nature, perception, insight
Languages: Common, +2
Armor: light, shield
Weapon: simple
Tools: navigator’s tools, cartography tools
Level | Feature |
1 | |
2 | Trailbreaker |
3 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
4 | Pathfinder |
5 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
Once per short rest roll with advantage on any Survival check.
Once per long rest movement rate increases 25% while traveling unencumbered.
Standing at the doors to important rooms, walking the corridors of important buildings, checking wagons and satchels for contraband, Guards make up the bulk of the basic military of most towns, villages, castles, and fortresses.
Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d8
Expert Skills: athletics, perception, intimidation
Languages: Common, +1
Armor: light, medium, shield
Weapon: simple, martial
Level | Feature |
1 | |
2 | Surge |
3 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
4 | Fighting Style (Brawl, Melee, Range) |
5 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
Once per short rest, NPC gains an extra action on the NPC’s turn.
Fighting Style
Choose one of these fighting styles. Brawling: add +2 to unarmed attacks. Melee: add +2 to melee weapon attacks. Range: add +2 to ranged weapon attacks.
Using medicine, mysterious crystals, words, or dancing, a Healer can help a person recover from harm and the effects of disease.
Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: nature, medicine, insight
Languages: Common, +1
Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: Herbalism Kit, Alchemist tools
Level | Feature |
1 | |
2 | Heal |
3 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
4 | Better Heal |
5 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
Once per short rest allow target in touch range to recover hit points equal to 1 HD.
Treat Disease/Poison
Once per long rest, the NPC can stop any hit point loss caused by a disease or poison for 1 day.
Poets and musicians, Minstrels can inflame the passions of a crowd or soothe the savage beast. Great Minstrels can make you forget about your troubles and make the drudgery of work and travel fade away.
Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: performance, acrobatics, persuasion
Languages: Common, +1
Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: Musical instrument, Calligrapher tools
Level | Feature |
1 | |
2 | Manipulate Emotion |
3 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
4 | Invigorate |
5 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
Manipulate Emotion
Once per short rest, a 10 minute performance to sway the emotions of a crowd of up to 12 people.
Once per long rest a 10 minute performance removes 1 point of exhaustion.
Moving goods from where they are created to where they are purchased and used requires people who know how to pack wagons and work with the animals that pull those wagons. Teamsters move the crops to markets, the lumber to mills, and textiles to markets.
Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d8
Expert Skills: animal handling, athletics, intimidation
Languages: Common, +1
Armor: light
Weapon: simple
Tools: land vehicle
Level | Feature |
1 | |
2 | Long Haul |
3 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
4 | Carter |
5 | +2 increase to attributes (18 max) |
Long Haul
Once per long rest movement rate is 25% faster while traveling with wagon/cart and animals.
Once per long rest gain a 25% increase in personal/animal/vehicle encumbrance.