Improving NPCs in D&D

In the first batch of NPC classes, I discussed how problematic D&D worlds are when every important NPC is a leveled Fighter, Wizard, Warlock, or Ranger. The other side of this situation is NPCs who are powerless in the presence of even the most low-level PC. PCs should be powerful but not able to walk over everyone they meet.

Here are 8 more NPC classes to help round out your campaign world.

Included is an alternate NPC creation system, using 2d6+4 for the attributes. Now there can be a Level 3 Cook or a Level 5 Minstrel who have different skills and improved hit points. Like PCs, as an NPC adds a level, the NPC can add points to its attributes, but are maxed out at 18 instead of 20.

You can use this system to build custom encounters to make things more interesting or you can use it as a starting point for hirelings and followers. Every adventurer starts somewhere. A bandit with more skill is a rogue. A town guard who studies and practices more becomes a fighter. A hedge witch with more learning is a wizard.


Not as skilled in the arts of thievery as rogues and not as powerful in a fight as a trained fighter, bandits are the hybrid of the two who use force and stealth to steal from others.

Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d8
Expert Skills: stealth, intimidation, deception
Languages: Common, +1

Armor: light, medium, shield
Weapon: simple, martial
Tools: Disguise kit

3+2 increase to attributes (18 max)
5+2 increase to attributes (18 max)

Once per short rest, NPC gains an extra action on the NPC’s turn.

If the NPC makes an attack while successfully stealthed, the NPC deals an extra 1d6 points of damage.


Even in the most archaic judicial systems, there are the learned people who understand the laws and the workings of the system. A barrister might come in handy to help navigate the red tape in a foreign city, or might be a necessary investment to explain why you had to steal that horse from the town guard.

Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: persuasion, deception, intimidation
Languages: Common, +2

Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: Calligrapher Tools

3+2 increase to attributes (18 max)
4Master of the Law
5+2 increase to attributes (18 max)

Once per short rest the NPC gains advantage on Persuasion checks.

Master of the Law
Once per long rest the NPC can attempt a History or Religion check (DC 15). A success means they have recalled/uncovered an obscure law or legal precedent that brings a current legal preceding to a halt. The better the success, the longer the legal preceding is paused as the new information is debated and ruled upon.


The ultimate builders, an Engineer is a master at constructing complex machines and fortresses. Whether you are building equipment to destroy a castle or defend it, an Engineer will have their hands in the design and construction.

Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: insight, perception, history
Languages: Common, +3

Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: carpenter’s tools, tinker’s tools, caligrapher’s tools

3+2 increase to attributes (18 max)
4Fortress Builder
5+2 increase to attributes (18 max)

Once per week, given the right materials, the Engineer is able to build a siege weapon. Each additional day the Engineer is able to work on the weapon up to 5 days, improves the accuracy and power of the weapon (+1 to hit/+10 damage per day).

Fortress Builder
Once per month, given the right materials and labor, the Engineer is able to construct a secure structure (40 feet by 40 feet by 40 feet per month). Each additional week the Engineer is able to work on the fortress up to 5 weeks, improves the strength of the fortress (damage threshold improved by 1d10/week)


Coaxing life from the ground is a special skill that keeps the people fed. It is a hard life living at the whims of nature, but the rewards are a certain level of independence in how life is lived and the beliefs held.

Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: nature, animal handling, survival
Languages: Common, +2

Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: land vehicle

3+2 increase to attributes (18 max)
5+2 increase to attributes (18 max)

Once per growing season, the Farmer is able to make a Nature check (DC 15) and upon success bring in a successful harvest of 30 acres. The greater the success the greater the yield.

Once per short rest, the Farmer is able to move a large number of animals in a consistent direction at half the slowest animal’s move rate.

Hedge Witch

In a land filled with magic, it is no surprise that sometimes someone who doesn’t have magic burned into their blood like a sorcerer or given to them in some pact like a warlock is able to stumble upon the basics of magic like a wizard. A hedge witch is such a person. Not someone who studied books of magic, but maybe learned a few spells from a relative and now keeps spells like recipe cards or memorized carefully as nursery rhymes.

Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d8
Expert Skills: arcana, nature, perception
Languages: Common, +1

Armor: none
Weapon: simple
Tools: Alchemist tools, Herbalism Kit

3+2 increase to attributes (18 max)
5+2 increase to attributes (18 max)

NPC has the ability to cast spells from a limited spell list.

LevelSpell SlotsCantrips1st Level

Spell List

Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Chill Touch, Friends, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy

Level 1: Alarm, Identify, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Jump, Sleep, Witch Bolt


The buyer and seller of goods, the Merchant knows how to make money even in the most dire of circumstances.

Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: deception, persuasion, insight
Languages: Common, +2

Armor: none
Weapon: simple

3+2 increase to attributes (18 max)
4Predict the Trend
5+2 increase to attributes (18 max)

Once per long rest, the Merchant is able to make a Persuasion check with Advantage when it relates to the buying and selling of goods in order to get a favorable price.

Predict the Trend
Once per month, the Merchant is able to make an Insight check (DC 15) and upon success knows the latest market trends and is able to capitalize upon them boosting the next months revenue by 1% for each point of the result above 15. Example, a roll of 13 + 4, is 17, a success and will improve the next month’s revenue by 2%.

Rat Catcher

Even a tiny village has a need for a person to deal with rats, mice, bats, insects, and other nasty critters that eat stored foods, crops in the field, and in some cases, the people of the village. In cities the alleys, streets, sewers, and rooftops become the spawning ground for many other types of disease carrying creatures that a Rat Catcher can deal with.

Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d6
Expert Skills: athletics, nature, survival
Languages: Common, +1

Armor: light
Weapon: simple
Tools: Musical instrument

2Favored Pest
3+2 increase to attributes (18 max)
5+2 increase to attributes (18 max)

Favored Pest
At 2nd level the Rat Catcher gets to choose a favored pest (any tiny to medium beast). When fighting this pest, the Rat Catcher gets Advantage on all Attack rolls.

Once per short rest, the Rat Catcher can set a baited trap or snare in an area that can trigger as an opportunity attack against Tiny to Medium sized creatures. The trap has +5 to hit and does 3(1d6) points of bludgeon damage. Trapped creature gets a Dex Save (DC 12). Failure means creature is entangled. Creature gets a Dex Save with Advantage once a day in order to free itself from the trap.


Weapons, armor, farming tools, and building tools come from the forge of a smith. A smith is a person who understand the intricacies of melting and molding metal.

Attributes: 2d6+4
Hit Dice: d8
Expert Skills: athletics, intimidation, perception
Languages: Common, +1

Armor: light
Weapon: simple
Tools: smith’s tools

3+2 increase to attributes (18 max)
4Passionate Production
5+2 increase to attributes (18 max)

All items crafted improves price of item by 25%

Passionate Production
Once per long rest, up to 8 hours of work is doubled to up to 16 hours.

Published by Sean D. Francis

Sean D. Francis is a technologist, writer, and geek. He podcasts, makes video, and dabbles in all the geeky genres including horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.